Let’s take a look at what aquaculture is called “disinfection”.
Is disinfection really killing bacteria without leaving it? Is the disinfection lasting as long as possible? In fact, disinfection is like brushing your teeth. After a long time, how many bacteria still have bacteria, but the structure of the bacteria has changed.
I have heard people say, "My disinfectant is very good, I use it for a few months." If you really use it for a few months, then the fish can't survive. Think of bacteria living at such high temperatures as the crater. The cold spots in the Antarctic glaciers also have bacteria. If you only use a little disinfectant for a few months, then the fish will survive. Digestion of food depends on microbes, and fish excretion depends on microbes. These microbes are bacteria that can kill them all, assuming they can be killed, but can there really be a way to kill all the bacteria? Just like in intensive care units, ultra-micro work stations, is it really eliminating all bacteria? No, only relatively speaking, the bacteria are relatively small, and it is not absolutely sterile.
That is why, in order to disinfect it, it is actually changing the type of bacteria. According to the breeding needs, bacteria that are beneficial to the growth and reproduction of fish should be cultivated as dominant populations, such as Bacillus licheniformis and lactic acid bacteria. The bacteria themselves are not beneficial and harmful, but we need to call the bacteria that are currently needed for breeding as needed. bacteria. For example, in the water body, it is necessary to decompose organic matter and fish excrement. At this time, the supplemented Bacillus is a beneficial bacteria; it can make the whole water body produce a virtuous cycle, not to consume oxygen, and prevent decomposition in the case of hypoxia to produce harmful to fish. substance. In the intestines and water bodies of fish, a large amount of lactic acid bacteria is needed to promote digestion and absorption. Sometimes, there are many ways to use the water to make up the fertilizer. At this time, the lactic acid bacteria are used as beneficial bacteria, and the water becomes fat. This is to adjust the structure of the bacteria, then what method to increase the effect, of course, is disinfected.
Disinfection, of course, there is no way to kill only certain bacteria, as long as it can kill, all kill. However, in the whole aquaculture water, the total amount of bacteria is relatively constant. If there is more than one kind of bacteria, and we want to cultivate bacteria that are beneficial to our culture, such as Bacillus and Lactobacillus, then it is necessary to Indigenous microbes compete. If you increase the beneficial bacteria by cultivating the medium suitable for the reproduction of this beneficial bacteria, it is undoubtedly costly, not the best choice. The best way is to disinfect first, then re-cultivate, using a word to describe it is robbery. Rich and poor. This is a good understanding, is the disinfectant effect lasting good? Or is it fast decomposition and rapid decomposition?